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Clam Shell with Pearl

An In Depth ​Description of ​The Gimmaid

By MirMirCreates

Buildable Beach Scenes Seashells and Starfish
Dreamy Soft Painterly Holographic Seashell
Colorful Underwater Creatures
Comic Script Bubble Illustration

The Features Of ​The Gimmaid


Gimmaids come in many ​colors, with some having the ​ability to change colors. Some ​can camouflage themselves t​o ​hide from predators.


In an act of self defense, the ​creature will frill its gills and ​make itself look taller. Some ​gimmaids will shine their ​scales to make threatening ​pat​terns to scare enemies.

These creatures are natural ​singers. We don’t know where ​the talent comes from, but ​gimmaids can sing any song in ​perfect pitch. This is ​commonly used as ​communication.

Natural Singers

Aerial Photography of Beach
Coconut Tree Illustration

The History Of ​Gimmaids

By that one historian at the library

Beautiful Beach View

a Brief Run Through

The Early Years

In the early years of giimmaid history, the ​seas were ruled by a mighty queen named ​Her Majesty Pearl. The gimmaids hid under ​the sea to protect themselves for creatures ​like dragons and wolves. The monarchy of ​Pearl reined on, until 5 years later. She ​passed away, and the seas fought over who ​deserved to be queen. After a while, they ​got tired of fighting. So, they decided to ​move onto land. That’s when they met other ​gims.

Cutout Flat Quirky Coral
Coral Illustration Set - 06
Textured Stamp Pink Branch Coral Reef
Watercolor Sea Corals

Stories From A ​Gimmaid

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Craft Paper Background

A Day In The Life

In The Morning

When gimmaids wake up, we don’t drink coffee. We get straight to ​getting ready, and start planning for the day. Our routines are a lot like ​normal gims, and we take a lot of pride in being a quick species. We ​someti​mes race each other to see who can routine faster!

La​te Afternoon

This is when the fun stuff happens. Lunch time! We have all sorts ​of cuizines like seaweed rolls, fish eggs, and land water! Sometimes, ​we get stuff the dragons drop. It’s usually meat (fox), but ​sometimes we get harvested fruits and veggies.

Ea​rly Afternoon

Work time! Us gimmaids have responsibilities too! We do things like ​harvest seaweed and coral, trash pickup, and cleaning up the ​animals! This is usually when the bakers start setting up shop. The ​students help out too!

In​ the Night

Us gimmaids get ready ASAP. We need our beauty sleep to ​get ready for all the planning we do during the day! The last ​thing we do is record our daily events. If not, we might ​disappoint​ the council. Gotta stay committed!

Brown Kraft Paper with One Ripped Edge
Writing Paper Background
Blank Sticky Note Illustration

Thank you for bringing this

to our attention, Seashell.

We’ll make sure to look into it.


The Council

Council Diary


I forgot

Dear Diary,

Hey! It’s me, Seashell! You will never believe what I found today! I was going out the beach to splash with ​some friends, and then, we saw a creature! At first, we were all really scared because it didn’t look like us ​OR a gim. We were just about to go get one of the elders, but we heard him uttering some words in a ​foreign language. It sounded like a language called “German”? We walked over slowly, but he got scared and ​scrambled up. He ended up falling, and looked like he was injured. We went over to him, but he looked ​scared. We stopped, staring at him. He looked like he was wearing a coat even though we’re on the beach. ​We finally got over to him, but he fell over again. We think he fell asleep. We patched up his wounds, and ​kicked him for good measure. He didn’t wake up.

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Best Wishes, Seashell

Colorful Underwater Creatures

Thanks for reading! It means a lot to me. ​Have a nice day!

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